Hallstatt cycle

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By the term "Hallstatt" is called the cycle of about 2300 years. For the first time, I read about the existence of the 2300-year cycle in texts published on the Internet by Ray Tomes. There was probably also written the relationship 1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N (= 1/H).

The ratios of the synodic periods of the outer planets p1 = (U,N)/(J,S) and p2 = (U,N)/(S,U) are approximately p1 = 171/20 = 8.5 and p2 = 171/45 = 3.8. It offers to balance these to the ratio: (U,N):(S,U):(J,S) = 1: 1/4: 1/9. And here a series of relationships - dominated by the period (H) - follows. I thought it might be related to some unknown (hypothetical) planet and began to call it H (Hypos). Until recently (in 2018) I have read that it is customary to use the name "Hallstatt" for the period (so there is no need to change the abbreviation "H" ...).

Resonance of inverse motion

Period H

Difference (LS-LU) a -(LS-LN) je d = LS-LU+LS-LN = 2∙LS-LU-LN = 2∙(J,S)/S -(J,S)/U-(J,S)/N = (J,S)∙(2/S-1/U-1/N).
Deviation from full angle during (J,S): (1-d) = 1 - (J,S)∙(2/S-1/U-1/N).

During 1 year: h = (1-d)/(J,S) = 1/(J,S) - (2/S-1/U-1/N) = 1/J-1/S-2/S+1/U+1/N  = 1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N.


 1/H = 1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N 

In degrees:

  d∙360° = 19.859∙(2/29.457-1/84.020-1/164.770)∙360° = 0.991433 ∙ 360° = 356.916° 
 (1-d)∙360° = -3.084° (= 157.601° - 160.685°)
 h∙360° = -3.084° /19.859 years  =  0.1553°/year. 
 h = 0.1553/360 = 0.00043139 full angles / year.
 Period H:
    H = 1/h = 1/0.00043139 = 2318.1 years.

World of synodical periods


Let us assume fictive space, where only synodical periods can be perceived (motion of bodies is hidden).

E.g. we can hear a crack (AB) during conjunction of two bodies (A and B); during conjunction of three bodies (A,B,C) three cracks (AB, AC, and BC).

(Similarly was world observed by ancient astronomers...)

Simple ratios

Motion of an observer in the fictive space of synodical periods does not modulate orbital periods, but synodical periods.

Let H is period of stable resonance, 1/H=1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N (c. 2320 years). Observer moving with this period (in the world of combined synodical periods) will get the following values of ((J,S),(S,N)), ((J,S),(U,N)) and ((J,U),(U,N)):

  1/((J,S),(S,N))-1/H = 1/J-2/S+1/N-1/H      = 1/S-1/U = 1/(S,U)
  1/((J,S),(U,N))-1/H = 1/J-1/S-1/U+1/N-1/H  = 2/S-2/U = 2/(S,U)
  1/((J,U),(U,N))-1/H = 1/J-2/U+1/N-1/H      = 3/S-3/U = 3/(S,U)

Therefore for this observer it holds:

 1/((J,U),(U,N)) : 1/((J,S),(U,N)) : 1/((J,S),(S,N)) = 1 : 2 : 3 


Resonant ratio of orbital periods of Uranus and Neptune is 1:2 (N/U =1.961); period of inequality I = (U, N/2), approximately 4200 years.
Observer moving with period I gets periods of outer planets J',S',U',N':

 1/J' = 1/J-2/N+1/U = 11.8953 years
 1/S' = 1/S-2/N+1/U = 29.6636 years
 1/U' = 1/U-2/N+1/U = 2/U-2/N = 85.722 years
 1/N' = 1/N-2/N+1/U = 1/U-1/N = 171.444 years

For this observer N':U' is exactly 2/1. Ratio S'/J' is approximately 5:2 and U'/S' approximately 3:1.
Period of inequality J-S: (S'/5,J'/2) = 2362 y and period of inequality S-U: (U'/3,S'/1) = 778 y.
Value of period H (1/H = 1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N) remain the same: H = 2320 y.

Sidereal periods of outer planets fulfill equation:

 3/J-8/S-2/U+7/N = 0 


 For synodic periods:
  1/H = 1/(J,S)-2/(S,U)-1/(U,N)
  3/H = 4/(U,N)-1/(S,U)
  5/H = 9/(U,N)-1/(J,S)
  7/H = 4/(J,S)-9/(S,U)
 Generally m2/P-n2/Q = k/H, so P∙Q/(Q∙m2-P∙n2) = H/k.
 For comparison Bohr's quantization of atoms: 
  1/T = c∙R∙(1/m2-1/n2)

Our observer therefore realizes:
5/S'-2/J'=1/H (=5/S-2/J+3/U-6/N=1/J-3/S+1/U+1/N)
3/U'-1/S'=3/H (=5/U-4/N-1/S =3/J-9/S+3/U+3/N)
It holds: 1/H = 1/J- 3/S+1/U+1/N 3/H = -1/S+5/U-4/N 5/H = -1/J+1/S+9/U-9/N 7/H = 4/J-13/S+9/U

Course of resonance

Values L=(3LJ-8LS)-(2LU-7LN), where  LJ,LS,LU,LN  are longitudes of planets in selected moments oscillates approximately around 120˚:

 LH = 3LJ -8LS+2LU-7LN  ~ 120˚ 

In conjunctions J-S is (3LJ-8LS)/5 = LJ = LS, in conjunctions U-N is (2LU-7LN)/5 = LU = LN.

Opposition J-U
Year 3 LJ[˚] 8 LS [˚] 2 LU [˚] 7 LN [˚]

(3LJ-8LS)-(2LU-7LN)  [˚]

1810,46  124   230    83    309  254 – 134 = 120
1824,28  322   139   215    157  183 -  58 = 125
1838,09  141    51    334      7     90 – 327 = 123
1851,90  300   320    80    219  340 – 221 = 119
1865,70   98    229    185     73   229 – 113 = 116
1879,52  272   142   302    287  131 -  15 = 116
1893,33  108    49     72     142    58 – 290 = 128
1907,15  306   325   204    356  341 – 208 = 133
1920,97  127   230   325    208  257 – 116 = 141
1934,77  287   146    72     59   142 -  13 = 129
1948,58   84     49     176     268    35 – 269 = 127
1962,39  257   326   291    115  291 – 176 = 115
1976,21   91    230     61     323   221 -  97 = 123
1990,02  290   148   193    172  142 -  21 = 121
2003,84  113    52    315     22    61 – 293 = 128
2017,65  275   328    63    234  307 – 189 = 118
2031,45   71    233    167     88   198 -  80 = 118
2045,26  242   146   281    302   95 – 339 = 116
2059,08   74     55      50      157     19 – 253 = 126
2072,90  274   326   183     11  307 – 172 = 136
2086,71   98    238    306    223  220 -  83 = 138

      Wilson's model   


      Synchronization V-E-J   

Ian R.G. Wilson published a tidal model of Venus, Earth and Jupiter with a period of 11.07 years. He notices that the derived period of synchronization of these planets 575.52 years can be exactly a quarter of the Hallstatt cycle. At the same time he pointed out the possible connection with the moon's tidal tides, which show a significant period of 574.6 years.


While observing the alignment of planets V-E-J, it is actually possible to find the period H/4 - planetary configurations even show some kind of symmetry in time here. Symmetry centers appears in years:

111.5 AD, 687.1 AD, 1262.6 AD, 1838.2 AD

The following intervals appear between these data: (derived from observed Jupiter-Earth-Venus conjunctions with accuracy up to 2 degrees).

------      111.5 AD
44.8, 65.6, 44.8, 44.8, 65.6,  89.5, 65.6, 155.1 years
---------  687.1 AD
155.1, 65.5, 89.5, 65.5, 89.5, 65.5, 44.8 years 
--------- 1262.6 AD
44.8, 65.5, 89.6, 65.5, 89.5, 65.6, 155.1 years
--------- 1838.2 AD
155.0, 65.6 years

All intervals are multiples of approximately 11 years:

 44.8 years = 4 * 11.20 years
 65.6 years = 6 * 10.93 years
 44.8 years = 4 * 11.20 years
 44.8 years = 4 * 11.20 years
 65.6 years = 6 * 10.93 years
 89.5 years = 8 * 11.19 years
 65.6 years = 6 * 10.93 years
155.1 years = 14 * 11.08 years

Here two periods take turns: one when "wins" average interval of the V-E conjunctions, from which come the periods 11.19-11.20 years and second with periods of the average interval of J-E conjunctions, fitting to 10.92-10.93 years. (Which one have to win is decided by speeds on elliptical orbits ...!?)

The average period from the observed H/4 = 575.55 years results to be 575.55 = 52 * 11.068 years.

     Incorporating Mars

At the breaks, Mars is emerging (in combination with V, E and J). With the period of 1151.1 years, Mars comes in line with the tides of Jupiter-Earth-Venus.

  6.8.1262           syst12620806   9.3.1838 syst18380309

    Counts of orbits

In 1151.1 years Venus will make 1871 orbits (+ about 15 degrees extra) The Earth make 1151 orbits (+ approx. 15 degrees extra) and Mars approximately 612 orbits ... - Difference 1871- 1151 = 720 = 4 * 180, difference 1151-612 = 539 = 3 * 180 - 1 !?


      Inner planets   


     Period h   

Let us try to look for some period h that can have for inner planets meaning similar to period H of outer planets.

Period h

Let h is period of stable resonance, 1/h = 1/M-4/V+2/E+1/R (c. 5.504 years). Observer moving with this period (in the world of combined synodical periods) will get the following values of ((M,V),(V,R)),((M,V),(E,R)) and ((M,E),(E,R)):

1/((M,V),(V,R))-1/h = 1/M-2/V+1/R-1/h     = 2/V-2/E = 2/(V,E)
1/((M,V),(E,R))-1/h = 1/M-1/V-1/E+1/R-1/h = 3/V-3/E = 3/(V,E)
1/((M,E),(E,R))-1/h = 1/M-2/E+1/R-1/h     = 4/V-4/E = 4/(V,E)

Therefore for this observer it holds:

 1/((M,V),(V,R)) : 1/((M,V),(E,R)) : 1/((M,E),(E,R)) = 2 : 3 : 4