Mayan astronomy - Cycles
Ancient Egyptians realized that 365.25/365 = 1461/1460. Period
1460 years was called Sothis (Sirius).
Similarly Mayans has found that 365.2422/365 = 1508/1507. So, 1507
tropical years last integer number of days:
- 1507*365.2422=1508*365=550420 days.
Number 550420 has these divisors:
- 550420 = 22 *5 *13 *29 *73.
Mayan selected 13 (13 god numbers) and 20 (20 god days).
Their combination 13*20 = 260 days was called "tzolkin".
Conjunctions of Earth with Mars repeat with period 780 days:
780 = 22 *3 *5 *13 (3*tzolkin).
Integer period of Earth, 365 days: 365 = 5 *73.
Mayan used the prime divisors (2,5,13,29,73) completed by other small
numbers (3,7,9,...) for deriving of cycles.
Sacred cycle of Mayans and Aztecs, z=260 days. It is probably
certain "quantum" for synodical periods of inner planets and moon.
Tzol'Kin - Correlation
Tzolkin is equal to third of synodical period Earth-Mars and to 3/4
ecliptic year.
50*z make 3 orbital periods of Jupiter, (so 600*z make Babylonian period 427 years).
Tzolkin is also equal to c. 4/9 of (V,E) and 19/2 of sidereal moon.
- 259.52061 days: (V,E)*4/9 = 583.92138 days *4/9
- 259.55578 days: 9.5*L = 9.5*27.321661 days
- 259.95536 days: 1.5*J/25 = 17.7929747 years/25 = 0.711719 years
- 259.965 days: Ey*3/4 = (E,Ln)*3/4 = 346.620 days *3/4
- 259.9787 days: (E,R)*1/3 = 779.9361 days *1/3
Stable resonance (-V/3, E, R/2) has period 129.94 days, i.e. z/2.
Tzol'Kin - Sequence
Some configurations (alignments) of the planets Venus-Earth-Mars follow each other
exactly with the period of Tzolkin:
9.12.2002 + TZOLKIN =>
26.8.2003 +
TZOLKIN => 12.5.2004
13.5.2009 + TZOLKIN =>
28.1.2010 +
TZOLKIN => 15.10.2010
Calendar round
The smallest common multiple of tzolkin (260-days) and haab (365-days):
nsn(365,260) = 18980 days = 52 Haab (51.965 years).
Approximately 52-year cycle seems to be combination of 4-year
period of Venus with 13 year period of Mercury.
Period 13 years
Mercury returns to the same (Earth) season with period c. 13
years (mean value 13.006 years, Smith,Bruce, 1972).
E.g. 1990 and 2003 begin with these conjunctions:
9.1.1990, 3.5.1990, 8.9.1990, 24.12.1990, 14.4.1991, ...
11.1.2003, 7.5.2003, 11.9.2003, 27.12.2003, 17.4.2004,...
During 41 conjunctions Mercury-Earth Mercury completes 54 (i.e.
41+13) orbits. Mayan megalith with 43 stones (2 reference points)?
- 12.9 years: summer thermal cycle (Hudson Valley)
- 13 years: frequency of storms (Aniol, 1952)
- 13 years: transits of Mercury over Solar disc
- 13.006 years: 54 M; repetition of Merkury ephemeris (Smith and Bruce,1972)
Calendar round (18980 days) differs from 52 orbits of Earth (tropical
18992.6 days, sidereal 18993.3 days) by c. 12.6-13.3 days.
To keep exact length of year, c. 13 day corrections are necessary
every 52 years, i.e. 1 day every 4 years.
Half period of 65 conjunctions Venus-Earth:
65*(V,E)/2 = 65*583.9214/2 = 18977.45 days (51.95741 years).
Period of rounds
- 49.66 years: 2.5(J,S) = [122.02,U]
- 50 years: Varves (Bradley, 1929)
- 50 years: oceanic oscillations (heat flux) North Atlantic (global model of Delworth.1993)
- 50.420 years: asteroid Chiron, (chir,S) = 70.854 years,(chir,U) = 126.10 years
- (S,U) = 45.364 years: 45.364/126.10 = 9/25, 45.364/70.854 = 16/25
- 51.63 years: 13/5 (J,S)
- 51.69 years: 155.08/3=206.77/4; (V,E,J) conjunction
- 51.765 years: 4*(J,12*J)
- 52 years: Mayan cycle, transit Pleiád, New Fire Ceremony
- 52 years: 18980 d=nsn(365,260)
- 52 years: solar cycle (Precambrium)
- 52.18 years: 23/7(U,N)
- 52.27 years: 24*(E,R)=24*2.178 years
- 52.3 years: J/25=R/4, beats 52.3 years (tropical 54.5 years)
Aztecan century
Two calendar rounds
13*2920 days = 8*4745 days
= 2*18980 =
days (104 years)
46*260 days = 65*584 days = 104*365
days = 37960 days (104
Conjunctions M-V-E occurred in years (precision 40°):
-3631.23, -3527.18, -3423.41, -3319.35, -3215.28, -3111.56, -3007.46,
-2903.78, -2799.70, -2695.97, -2591.91, -2488.14...
Dataseparation makes 103.65-104.15 years.
Conjunctions M-V-E
Selected configurations
conjunction &alignment, accuracy
40°, interval 0-2100)
5 Nov 12 AD (103.77276) #1723200 ( 5.86721) 109 Dec 1 AD (104.05202) #1761205 ( 109.92145)
213 Sep 6 AD (103.76454) #1799105 ( 213.68821) 317 Sep 25 AD (104.05202) #1837110 ( 317.74245)
421 Oct 26 AD (104.08487) #1875127 ( 421.82955) 525 Jul 8 AD (103.69884) #1913003 ( 525.53060)
629 Aug 17 AD (104.10951) #1951029 ( 629.64234) 733 Apr 17 AD (103.66598) #1988893 ( 733.31053)
837 May 12 AD (104.06845) #2026904 ( 837.38120) 941 Feb 9 AD (103.74812) #2064798 ( 941.13153)
1045 Feb 28 AD (104.05202) #2102803 (1045.18578) 1148 Dec 4 AD (103.76454) #2140703 (1148.95254)
1252 Dec 26 AD (104.06023) #2178711 (1253.01499) 1356 Oct 1 AD (103.76454) #2216611 (1356.78175)
1460 Oct 20 AD (104.05202) #2254616 (1460.83599) 1564 Nov 17 AD (104.07666) #2292630 (1564.91488)
1668 Aug 15 AD (103.71526) #2330512 (1668.63235) 1772 Sep 22 AD (104.10130) #2368535 (1772.73588)
1876 May 27 AD (103.67420) #2406402 (1876.41229) 1980 Jun 22 AD (104.06845) #2444413 (1980.48296)
2084 Mar 16 AD (103.73169) #2482301 (2084.21686)
Inequality (E,Ln,-R/2)= (R/2,Ey/1)= (1.88089/2, 0.94899/1) = 104.4 years.
From (Ln/4,-E/5,R/9) = 0 follows (E,-R,Ln/8) = 26 years. So
(Ln/4,2*(E,R)) = (4.65, 4.27) = 52 years.
Period of 65 conjunctions Venus-Earth:
- 65*(V,E) = 65*583.9214 = 37954.9 days (103.91482 years)
Also inequality (J/13, S/32)= 104.0 years,
i.e.(5/J-4/S)/(4/J-5/S) = 5.97122/3.49995 = 1.706; (12/7=1.7143).
Aztecan Period
- 100 years: Elatina formation (R.J.Hugget)
- 100 years: climatic cycle (Memery, 1935)
- 100.0 years: Milankovic's climatic cycle
- 101 years: biological cycle (stromy)
- 102.49 years: 144 tzolkin = 144*0.71177 years
- 103.53 years: 8*(J,12*J)
- 103.93 years: Mayan cycle cycle E (365.25):V(583.92):Tzolkin(260.0)->37960 d
- 104 years: ([E,R],mc) = (238.47 d, 239.97 days)
- 104 years: 2*52 years, Aztecan century, 73 tzolkin = 103.92 years
- 104.0 years: (J/13, S/32)
- (5/J-4/S)/(4/J-5/S) = 5.97122/3.49995 =1.706; 12/7=1.7143
(from S/J=5/2 -> 1.700 more precious is 1.706) -> beats 104.05 years,
99.63 years: 1.705727=5.9691487/3.49947508 (anomalitic)
- 112.64 years: 1.706711=5.972466/3.4994 beats (tropical)
- 104.4 years: (R/2,E'/1) = (1.88089/2, 0.94899/1)
Long count
Raster of dates
Mayan syntax of dates makes possible to observe accuracy of
conjunctions of Earth (E) with Mars (R) and lunar line of nodes (Ln).
These conjunctions E-Ln-R frame certain raster with period 12
tzolkin, i.e. 3120 days (8.542 years).
In the following schema the rows step with period of conjunctions
Earth-Mars. Period 13 tun (18 tzolkin) is highlighted (bold).
Beginning of Long count:
0. 0. 0. 0. 0 ( 0)
0. 0. 2. 3. 0 ( 780)
0. 0. 4. 6. 0 ( 1560)
0. 0. 6. 9. 0 ( 2340)
0. 0. 8.12. 0 ( 3120)
0. 0.10.15. 0 ( 3900)
0. 0.13. 0. 0 ( 4680)
0. 0.15. 3. 0 ( 5460)
0. 0.17. 6. 0 ( 6240)
0. 0.19. 9. 0 ( 7020)
0. 1. 1.12. 0 ( 7800)
0. 1. 3.15. 0 ( 8580)
0. 1. 6. 0. 0 ( 9360)
End of Long count:
12.19. 2.12. 0 (1865760)
12.19. 4.15. 0 (1866540)
12.19. 7. 0. 0 (1867320)
12.19. 9. 3. 0 (1868100)
12.19.11. 6. 0 (1868880)
12.19.13. 9. 0 (1869660) 0 (1870440) 0 (1871220)
13. 0. 0. 0. 0 (1872000)
Period Y represents accurately value of 12 tzolkin in the Mayan calendar.
Y = 12z = 12∙260 days = 3120 days (8.5413 years)
Mayan syntax of dates allows us to monitor the accuracy of conjunctions Earth (E) with Mars (R)
and node line of the Moon (Ln).
Conjunction E-Ln-R creates a kind of grid with a period 12 tzolkin.
The following diagram lines proceed with periods of conjunctions Earth-Mars.
Periods of 13 tons (18 tzolkin) is highlighted in bold.
Number zero may appear in mayan dates. E.g. =
We can test connections of Mayan dates with help of congruences (remainder classes).
E.g. the following dates are congruent according to module 260 days (tzolkin):
Mayan date D [days] D/260 D mod 260]
9.16. 0.13.17 1411477 5428.7577 197
9.16. 4. 6.17 1412777 5433.7577 197
9.16.12. 5.17 1415637 5444.7577 197 1425516 5482.7538 196
Mayan katun, 20*18*20 days = 7200 days (19.7125 years)
reminds cycle of conjunctions (J, S) = 19.86 years.
Three katuns (ie. 59.14 years), cover approximately
37 conjunctions of V-E.
But it's - in all probability - entirely something else!?
Foundation of the Mayan calendar "long count" is built of Katuns...
(Also e.g. dates,, ie. dates of "cosmic monster"
from Yaxchilan, differ by katun.).
When observing the conjunction of Moon and Jupiter perceive cycle 9 * (E, J) = 3590 days = 9.83 years.
Average duration of two such cycles 2 * 9.83 = 19.66 years differ by Maya Katun only about 20 days (1 tun).
In the following outline approximate dates of conjunction of the Sun-Earth-Moon-Jupiter are listed.
(A similar sequence - only about 14 days shifted - forms also the conjunctions of the Sun-Earth-Moon-Jupiter).
We deliberately chose the sequence that ends at the time the strongest earthquake observed -
May 22, 1960 (Valvidia in Chile):
1891,60 1891 Aug 4 AD 1891,599 E: 313,7 J: 341,6 Moon: 134,7
* 1901,46 1901 Jun 15 AD 1901,461 E: 265,5 J: 278,3 Moon: 75,5
1911,25 1911 Mar 29 AD 1911,247 E: 189,4 J: 218,5 Moon: 0,4
1921,11 1921 Feb 6 AD 1921,109 E: 138,7 J: 163,1 Moon: 305,7
1930,97 1930 Dec 18 AD 1930,971 E: 87,3 J: 104,9 Moon: 252,9
1940,84 1940 Oct 30 AD 1940,838 E: 38,1 J: 41,1 Moon: 216,2
1950,62 1950 Aug 13 AD 1950,623 E: 321,2 J: 332,1 Moon: 142,3
* 1960,40 1960 May 24 AD 1960,403 E: 244,2 J: 267,2 Moon: 56,1
Directions of conjunctions move in each step (with a duration of 9.83 years on average)
about 60 dg, ie after 6 steps (3 Katun) returns to the same place.
Other aproximations:
19.65754 years: 18*(J,E)
19.6961 years: 3*[J,S/2] = 3*6.56536 years (tropical)
19.7027 years: 3*6.56757 years = 3*243 years/37
19.7105 years: 16*1.2319 years =177.39/9=11.0951*16/9
19.7111466 years: [J, S/2] = [(J,S), (5J,2S)] = [19.86,2650]
19.71403 years: 5*15.771227 years/4
19.71595 years: 3*[J,S/2] = 3*6.57198 years (anomalistic)
19.725 years: 3*(E/4,M) = 3*6.575 years
Application of Long count
Earth(E), Mars(R), node line of Moon(Ln) and Venuše(V) repeat the same configuration with the period 6Y:
6∙Y = 72 tzolkin= 72∙260 d= 32∙585 days= 18720 days (51.25 years)
The difference of the first two "serpent numbers", 9.17.8. 8.5 makes 32Y:
32∙Y= 192 tzolkin = 8.5= 1521285-1421445= 99840 days (273.3 years)
Accuracy of Long count
It seems natural to consider as the basic points of the Long Count moments of conjunctions Earth with Mars.
Accuracy of long count
With regard to conjunctons E-R: conjunctions (E,R)
do not last 3*260 days, but at average a less
(E,R) = 2.1353487 years, i.e. 779.9361 days
Difference 0.0639 days/780 days, i.e. 1 day/12207 days (33.42 years),
c. 4 days/130 years
Mayan tropical year 365.2422 days is more exact: today value is
365.24219879, difference 0.00000121 * 86400 s / year,
i.e.. 1 s/ 9.565 years (S.M.Brisbin 26.3 s/day?!).
Period 819 days
Synodical period (R,J) is c. 816.43 days (2.2353 years).
One of the periods of atlantic oscillation makes c. 27 months, i.e. 2.25 years.
Alignments E-M-R (conjunctions M-E-R) repeats with period c. 820 days (2.25 years);
7*(M,E) = 7*115.87 = 811.1 days, 8*(M,R) = 8*100.88 = 807.0 days.
Nodal (draconic) months: 30*27.1222=816.37 days.
Similar configurations of E-M-R occur with period 2*J = 25*Ey (c.23.725 years = 10.5*2.2595 years).
819 days = 7*9*13 days; ( Number 9 control cycle of "lords of nigths".)
7*13 days = 91 days (364/4),
9*13 days = 117 days, approximation of (M,E)=115.87 days
E.g. see,, (stela 11,
0-3 1 Ahau 13 Pax 1373460 1881852 440 Mar 25 AD 440,24 (E-Moon,Vlow) 1 Cauac 17 Uo 1374279 1882671 442 Jun 22 AD 442,48 Derived 819 1 Etznab 6 Yaxkin 1375098 1883490 444 Sep 18 AD 444,73 Derived 819 1 Caban 15 Zac 1375917 1884309 446 Dec 16 AD 446,97 Derived 819
4-7 1 Cib 4 Pax 1376736 1885128 449 Mar 14 AD 449,21 Derived 819 1 Men 8 Uo 1377555 1885947 451 Jun 11 AD 451,45 Derived 819 1 Ix 17 Xul 1378374 1886766 453 Sep 7 AD 453,69 Derived 819 1 Ben 6 Zac 1379193 1887585 455 Dec 5 AD 455,94 Derived 819
8-11 1 Eb 15 Muan 1380012 1888404 458 Mar 3 AD 458,18 Derived 819 1 Chuen 19 Pop 1380831 1889223 460 May 30 AD 460,42 Derived 819 1 Oc 8 Xul 1381650 1890042 462 Aug 27 AD 462,66 Derived 819 1 Muluc 17 Yax 1382469 1890861 464 Nov 23 AD 464,91 Derived 819

46-49 1 Ix 7 Uo 1411134 1919526 543 May 18 AD 543,39 cycle 819 days
(Yaxchilan) 1 Ben 16 Xul 1411953 1920345 545 Aug 14 AD 545,63 Derived 819 6 Caban 10 Zac 1412777 1921169 547 Nov 16 AD 547,89 Yaxchilan 6 Cib 19 Muan 1413596 1921988 550 Feb 12 AD 550,13 Derived 819
Natural month
Calendar with 28 days cycle of
‘natural months‘.
Sometimes it appears to be more favourable to divide year to 13
months. Orbital period of Venus is approximately 8/13 of our year.
For observer on the Earth, every (V,E), i.e. c. 583.92 days, Venus
passes Earth (in direction of Earth motion).
Moon passes this place (against Venus direction) every c. 29.53 days.
So, with regard to Venus, orbital period of Moon is little bit shorter.
It holds: ((E,L),(E,V)) = (29.53, -583.92) = 28.11 days.
Tzotz tun
Calculational year, bat cycle, 364 days = 4*91 days = 13*28 days.
Mayan add k*364 days (Dresden codex, F 45) to date,
Multiple 20*364= 7280 days= 19.932 years is the period of
symmetric configurations,
alignment of axes J-S and U-N.
Other periods
Period 65 days
Greatest common divisor of periods (V,E) and (E,R) is c. 195 days (780/4 = 585/3 = 195), i.e. 3*65 days.
Mayans derived some data from multiples of 65 days:
65 = 5*13 (=780/12 = 585/9 = 260/4).
Also (V,E/2) = 975.3 days = 5* 195 days = 15*65 days;
11 synodical months (324.83649 days) is c. 325 days = 5*65 days (177+148 days).
Period 2200 days
Period 2200 days (6.023 years) is a common multiple for M and (M,E) M/(M,E) = 19/25 (Bohm&Bohm).
Period 3120 days (12 tzolkin)
Ecliptic year and conjunctions Earth-Mars are synchronized with
period Y = 4*(E,R) = 9*(E,Ln), i.e. 8.5413 years (c. 3120 days).
Let us note, that 12*z = 12*260 days = 3120 days.
E.g. - 9.17.8. 8.5 = 1521285 - 1421445 = 99840 days = 32*3120 days (first two "serpent numbers").
Period 18720 days (72 tzolkin)
Period of alignment V-E-Ln-R:
Earth(E), Mars(R), lunar line of nodes(Ln) and Venus(V) repeat the same configuration with period:
6*Y= 72 tzolkin= 72*260 d= 32*585 days= 18720 days (51.25 years).
Period 130 years
Period Y is approximately 16/15 of 8-year period. Common multiple
(15*8.54,16*8.00 years) equals to beats (8.0, 8.542), i.e. makes c. 125-130 years.
Aztecan century 37960 days (104 years) contains 65 conjunctions V-E.
But conjunctions M-E in the meantime shift, by c. 0.587 (M,E).
Did Mayans try to correct this deviation?
189800 days =10*18980 days =1637.9366*115.8775 days (520 years).
Period Baktun
Period 20*18*20*20 = 144000 days, i.e.394.25 years.
- 394.3 years: 1 baktun= 20*katun = [427.07, 5125] =5125/13 (Mayan cycle)
- 394.5 years: 11*(S,N) = (9J,U)
- 400 years: secular period of solar activity (Vitinskij)
- 400 years: Link’s period of solar activity derived from visibility of comet
- 400 years: climatic cycle (Milankovic)
Baktun do not coincide with multiples of period Y (12*11960 = 46*3120 = 143520 days)
nor with multiples of ecliptic year (416*(E,Ln) = 416* 346.6 days = 144186 days).
Period c. 144240 days is common multiple of conjunctions of inner planets:
144240 days = 185*779.68 =210*686.86 =247*583.97 =642*224.67 days.
Such duration has e.g. interval - (Bohm&Bohm).
Particular baktuns had numbers 1-13:
13. 4 Ahau
1. 3 Ahau 2. 2 Ahau 3. 1 Ahau 4. 0 Ahau
5. 12 Ahau 6. 11 Ahau 7. 10 Ahau 8. 9 Ahau
9. 8 Ahau 10. 7 Ahau 11. 6 Ahau 12. 5 Ahau
13. 4 Ahau
Origin is assumed to be at the beginning of 13 baktun (4 Ahau).
Baktuns step through seasons 4*394.25=1577 years ().
Period 3742 years
Period V-E-Ln-R and calendar round differ by one tzolkin. Common multiple:
1366560 days = 72 calendar rounds = 73 period V-E-Ln-R
1366560 days
25* 3²* 5* 13* 73
= 5256
tzolkin= 3744 haab (3741.44
1366560 days = 117* 32 haab = 2340*584
days = 1752*780 days.
Period 5125 years
Mayan combined (orbital?) period c. 394 years and (Babylonian) period
(of planetary configurations) into cycle 5125 years.
5125 years = 12*427.1 years = 13*394.23 years
Period 13 baktun, 12 Babylonian cycles.
1872000 days = 7200 tzolkin = 600 *Y = 260 katun.
Various recurrence of planetary positions are observable with the
period of 13 Baktuns...
Baktuns (korelace 508392)
4 Ahau 4 Ahau 8 Cumku ( 0)
508392 3322 Nov 26 BC -3320,17 Start of dating 4 Ahau 3 Kankin (1872000)
2380392 1805 Mar 11 AD 1805,20 13.baktun 4 Ahau 18 Chen (3744000)
4252392 6930 Jul 21 AD 6930,56 26.baktun
3 Ahau 3 Ahau 13 Chen ( 144000)
652392 2927 Feb 25 BC -2925,91 1.baktun 3 Ahau 8 Zec (2016000)
2524392 2199 Jun 13 AD 2199,46 14.baktun
2 Ahau 2 Ahau 3 Uayeb ( 288000)
796392 2533 May 27 BC -2531,65 2.baktun 2 Ahau 18 Kankin (2160000) 2668392
2593 Sep 15 AD 2593,72 15.baktun
3 Ahau 1 Ahau 8 Yax ( 432000)
940392 2139 Aug 27 BC -2137,39 3.baktun 1 Ahau 3 Xul (2304000)
2812392 2987 Dec 19 AD 2987,97 16.baktun
13 Ahau 13 Ahau 13 Pop ( 576000)
1084392 1745 Nov 26 BC -1743,13 4.baktun 13 Ahau 13 Muan (2448000)
2956392 3382 Mar 23 AD 3382,23 17.baktun
12 Ahau 12 Ahau 3 Zac ( 720000)
1228392 1350 Feb 26 BC -1348,87 5.baktun 12 Ahau 18 Xul (2592000)
3100392 3776 Jun 25 AD 3776,49 18.baktun
11 Ahau 11 Ahau 8 Uo ( 864000)
1372392 956 May 28 BC -954,61 6.baktun 11 Ahau 8 Pax (2736000)
3244392 4170 Sep 28 AD 4170,75 19.baktun
10 Ahau 10 Ahau 18 Zac (1008000)
1516392 562 Aug 28 BC -560,36 7.baktun 10 Ahau 13 Yaxkin (2880000)
3388392 4564 Dec 31 AD 4565,01 20.baktun
9 Ahau 9 Ahau 3 Zip (1152000)
1660392 168 Nov 27 BC -166,10 8.baktun 9 Ahau 3 Kayab (3024000)
3532392 4959 Apr 5 AD 4959,27 21.baktun
8 Ahau 8 Ahau 13 Ceh (1296000)
1804392 228 Feb 27 AD 228,16 9.baktun 8 Ahau 8 Mol (3168000)
3676392 5353 Jul 8 AD 5353,53 22.baktun
7 Ahau 7 Ahau 18 Zip (1440000)
1948392 622 May 29 AD 622,42 10.baktun 7 Ahau 18 Kayab (3312000)
3820392 5747 Oct 11 AD 5747,79 23.baktun
6 Ahau 6 Ahau 8 Mac (1584000)
2092392 1016 Aug 28 AD 1016,68 11.baktun 6 Ahau 3 Chen (3456000)
3964392 6142 Jan 13 AD 6142,05 24.baktun
5 Ahau 5 Ahau 13 Zotz (1728000)
2236392 1410 Nov 28 AD 1410,94 12.baktun 5 Ahau 13 Cumku (3600000)
4108392 6536 Apr 17 AD 6536,31 25.baktun